The Service Union is specifically a union for young workers. The share of those under 30 years old is 35%.
In PAM’s youth activities, young people’s own perspectives are taken into account, and a place for influence is offered. A young person working in the service sector is never alone. It’s easy to get involved in youth activities.
PAM’s events and courses are excellent places to voice your views, get ideas for your own activities, and learn more about the trade union movement. In addition to national events, regions and professional sections organize activities specifically aimed at young people. Youth events often include informal programs in addition to education. You can choose the event that suits you best or participate in all of them if you wish! All events and courses for young people can be found in PAM’s event calendar.
The issues of young people in the union are advocated by the youth panel, to which any young member interested in influencing the union can join. Register here.
Follow our activities on Instagram @pamnuoret to easily stay informed about events.
To PAMs youth blog click here.
You are warmly welcome to join our activities.
More information:
Serveh Khalili
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